Bike Rollers
Crown Roller is a roller machine for road bike training within the home.
A workout on the Crown Roller differs from a workout on a cyclette, due to the fact that on the rollers, cyclists do not simply pedal, but by steering and balancing they also constantly engage the stabilizing muscles to maintain the right balance, thus living an indoor training experience as realistic as possible.

The design is refined, in particular from a physical and engineering point of view: the rollers are made with a convexity towards the center (larger section than the ends), in such way that during exercise, the bike tends to stay naturally at the middle of them.
(Watch the video )
The wheel will look for the path of least resistance – the larger diameter section in the center of the roller is the easiest to follow, so that’s where the wheel wants to go.

This results from the fact that larger rollers have lower rolling resistance, while smaller rollers have higher rolling resistance, this is due to the tire deformation on the roller.

During training, the front wheel is on the top of the roller, while the rear wheel is between two rollers and therefore in a lower position, this would cause an inclined bike trim so that the Crown Roller frame is made in a such way to produce a horizontal attitude, just like on a flat road.
The frame is made of steel and the rollers of aluminum with the result of a solid and resistant structure to ensure high stability.

Crown Roller is made with a telescopic system that saves space when not in use, but above all, it allows the adaptation of the distance between the rollers to the wheelbase of the bicycle wheels.
For more information, visit the website.