Water from Solar Panels

The SOURCE solar panels have the appearance of common photovoltaic panels, but behind the appearance, there is an innovative system, capable to produce water in a liquid state.
The panels are equipped with a system capable of capturing the moisture particles present in the surrounding air, these are passed through a condenser, which returns water in the liquid state, which is conveyed into a collection tank to be ready for use.
Each panel can produce up to 30 liters of water, this is not immediately drinkable, but with an integrated system, it is mineralized, treated with ozone and finally passed through a purifying filter, before being loaded into a dispenser.
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The panels are connected to a control network that constantly monitors the operating and quality parameters.

The quantity of water produced, however, depends on the degree of humidity in the air, so in very dry environments the quantities of liquid produced can be very low.

The SOURCE system has a basic size of 2.4 mx 1.2 m, is equipped with 2 panels for the production of water, a solar panel and a battery capable of powering the components necessary for its operation.

For more information, visit the site.